How we work together

My coaching clients have included business leaders from Fortune 500 companies, public servants, school leaders or school district central office administrators who are fine tuning or enhancing their leadership skills to become the inspirational and impactful leaders of their dreams. If you are new to your role, an established leader, or you are a leader reflecting on your career advancement, I’d love to work with you.

My ideal coaching clients are …

  • eager to reflect on their goals, skills, character traits and values that guide their behavior and presence

  • motivated to grow, learn and challenge themselves

  • ready to lean into our dynamic relationship by engaging in conversations that are authentic, transparent, sometimes challenging and always includes some degree of humor and laughter

  • prepared to create action steps that are bite-sized and just right/manageable for them to feel success in their weekly/bi-weekly sessions with me

Individual Coaching

As your coach, I will support you on your journey of leadership, providing coaching that extends your thinking, deepens your reflection, while supporting you in your creation of individualized action steps that meet your objectives for professional and personal growth. Typically, your professional and personal goals are intertwined, as with leadership, your whole ideal self is worth bringing to the workplace, daily. 

I will work alongside you to extend your thinking, tapping into your inner wisdom and compass to help you identify your goals, realize your objectives, and to help you align your actions with your personal vision.

As your coach, we will determine if meeting weekly or every two weeks is best for you. I find that a solid coaching cycle consisting of 10-12 sessions is ideal to help you realize your goals. Together, we will create a plan and with each session, progressing forward, ensuring you are getting what you need along the way. We can always extend coaching to a maintenance level where we meet monthly to ensure your new habits and changes are fully integrated. Or, you may choose to call me when you need an on the spot reflection.


Embedded Coaching

Embedded coaching is an opportunity to take our one-to-one coaching relationship to your team, helping you explore patterns of behavior or challenges in real-time. Embedded coaching provides an organizational and systemic view for our collaborative approach to transformation. Perhaps you would like me to observe your administrative team dynamics, or your process of facilitation, or perhaps you’d like help in deciphering your 360 data to target and maximize for greater results.  Your agenda is my agenda. Embedded coaching provides for a wider circle and aperture for discovery.

Frequently, in my work with leaders, their goal to communicate the organizations shared values can be strengthened or stymied by the cultures in which they work. Perhaps there are conflicting values/norms from employees that is causing a tug of conflict and confusion? What are you saying to yourself about conflict? How would you like to “show up” at work, as a leader, as a colleague?

Group Coaching and Team Development

Teams that experience the greatest success are the teams who have clarity about their purpose, individually and collectively. They have trusting relationships that allow for collaborative innovation, proactive communication, and joy! Yes, joy in the workplace! Options to customize learning for your team are endless. I will work with you to explore your teams goals, determining how I may be of assistance. Perhaps an invitation to enhance a high functioning teams communication skills, or polishing your team dynamics for increased productivity and trust. The options are endless!

If you are looking for a comprehensive team experience, join me in a study of Positive Intelligence, using material by the author, Shirzad Chamine. In our work together, we will explore the three core mental muscles needed to thrive in challenging times. Together, we will sharpen the activation of your goals, while deepening your relationship with your colleagues. Sounds intense? It truly is quite an expansive learning experience. This is a seven week guided program which includes an online course, daily application using an app based mental fitness framework, followed by a facilitated weekly dialogue with your team to reflect on their learning. Results include increasing peak performance, productivity and well-being. Time commitment: 2.5 hours per week for seven weeks inclusive of independent learning, daily practice and weekly team meeting.

This course aligns with the core competencies of SEL (Social Emotional Learning) by integrating neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive behavior psychology, and performance science. SEL enhances one’s capacity to assimilate skills, attitudes, and behaviors to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges. Think of this course as SEL for leaders; we know physical fitness is central to good health and mental fitness is equally vital!

“Working with Cindy was a wonderful, collaborative coaching experience.  She did a great job at structuring our time by asking me my goals for each meeting, having me share about my problem of practice, and then using mindful inquiry to help me think more deeply about the problem before arriving at possible solutions.  She was always encouraging, empathetic, and positive, which was something I very much needed in my role at the time.  Every principal should have someone like Cindy to support them as they make tough decisions during challenging times!”

— Elementary School Principal