I believe in

leaning into curiosity to deepen our learning and life experience.

I am a leadership coach, mentor, educator and facilitator.

As your coach, you can be assured that I will uphold my commitment to the highest standards of our coaching profession by honoring our rigorous code of ethics and core competencies from the International Coaching Federation.

Growing up on the Eastside of Seattle, I have deep roots in this community. Following a 12 year career as an elementary school principal in Shoreline and Edmonds School Districts in Washington state, I was hired to support and supervise principals in the Bellevue School District. Those years provided a wealth of experience that deepened my expertise in areas of instructional leadership, organizational development, values based leadership, racial equity and inclusion, systems thinking, project management and strategic planning. With all of those rich experiences, my passion and strength could be found in those daily coaching conversations with leaders. My strengths were reinforced by engaging in reflective dialogue with leaders, being curious, asking questions that encouraged thought, risk tasking and greater self awareness. There was only one thing to do….. pivot my career to embrace my purpose and embrace what brings me joy! For the past three years, I have worked with leaders from the private sector, public sector, and with BTS; a global coaching organization supporting leadership development worldwide.

How may I support you in achieving your goals, your purpose, your dreams?

“Meeting with Cindy was incredibly helpful for my professional and personal growth.  Cindy has an amazing way of asking questions that allow me to unpack and pre-identify missteps or barriers in school leadership plans and/or relationships with staff.  Every time I meet with Cindy, I come away with a clearer picture of what to do next in order to achieve school and professional goals.”

Dusty Steere | Principal, Cherry Crest Elementary

If you are a leader who is highly successful, or in transition contemplating a career shift, I can be your confidential thought partner. If you are struggling with leading (or coping), I will help you to lean into your reflections, your learning edges, and support you in your next steps towards greater growth. I will listen deeply, coach for clarity and assist you in productive planning to meet your goals.

My approach as a coach is to assist my clients in meeting their goals with warmth, compassion, integrity, and respect. I have the skills and passion for developing trusting relationships that result in actionable growth and change for my clients. I am passionate about supporting people to become more authentic leaders, to have courageous conversations and create the career and life they desire. I strive to bring my experience, ideas, energy and heart to every interaction. Our coaching sessions are designed for deeper reflection to support you in creating actionable next steps. We will also have a bit of laughter, risk-taking and personal growth along the way!

I have a comprehensive background in strategic planning, conflict resolution, communication and school improvement strategies. I am well-prepared to assist leaders with individualized leadership development aspirations. In my work as Executive Director of Schools, I supported schools in their school improvement planning, professional development and analysis of data to ensure a positive and productive culture/climate. I also supervised Elementary Principals and coached them in their leadership development plans.